A5 Youth Ambassadors

Youth Ambassadors

A5 Amilia's Angels, Ambassadors for Anti-Trafficking Awareness

A5, our high school youth ambassador program's objective is to raise awareness about human trafficking and provide knowledge for youth and families to learn about sex exploitation and trafficking prevention.  

Our pilot program, a club at Medfield High School ran from 2016- 2020 and ended during the covid shutdowns.  We are currently expanding and seeking ambassadors in communities along the South Shore. 

 Be the first to pioneer your local high school program!


Contact Michelle Luhrmann for more information on how you can make a difference!


Broaden the scope of individuals we can enlighten about commercial sex trafficking     

Change the conversation that objectifies women

Empowering Our Youth to Become Freedom Fighters

Busting the myths about Human Trafficking

January - National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

"Busting the Myths About Human Trafficking",  an A5 interactive project, where boxes and posters throughout were set up in various locations at the high school with facts about human trafficking, and the students put together a short video which they promoted on their socials. The video makes the point that awareness and education are keys to ending trafficking both here and around the world. It presents various myths about the topic and members of the group state clarifying facts.

A Common Myth:  “Many people believe human trafficking only occurs in third world countries." Jane O'Donnell tells us... 

"Actually, it happens everywhere, even in Massachusetts. In fact, according to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 80000 people have been involved in human trafficking in the US.”

Encouraging our youth to speak out

The club helped Amilia's Light host a film discussion, of Not My Life, with UNICEF.   Club members have been engaged in spreading awareness through writing and social media.  

  • Jane O'Donnell.....

  • A5 Youth Ambassadors helped Amilia's Light host the film, Not My Life. This is the first in a series of blogs about the film, and how one young suburban teenager is enraged and saddened, about what she now knows and how she is writing to make a difference.

    Written by Jane O'Donnell, a freshman at Medfield High School.

Combating Vulnerability

The club was inspired to create a social media campaign, #WriteitBrightForAmiliasLight, which they introduced on International Women's Day, March 8, 2017.

The campaign goal is to show how vulnerability and low self-confidence can lead to individuals becoming prime candidates for sex trafficking. Everyone has things that they don't like about themselves and A5 wants you to know that it's more important to love yourself than to focus on your flaws.

Human Trafficking Workshops

UNICEF End Trafficking/Amilia's Light held human trafficking workshops in fall of 2017.  The workshops educated students about sex trafficking, the social norms that lead to trafficking and how those norms lead to vulnerability.

Contact Us

For information or to join the A5 Club in Medfield, please contact Janet Jiminez .