
photo of the empowerment program
#Giving Tuesday


We're Shining Brighter! 

some faith, and a big dream... 

It all started with a small chicken farm in Wakiso, Uganda and has led to a proven, comprehensive program that helps survivors heal, transform, and be empowered.  Our holistic, transformational program provides wellness services, vocational education, and life skills workshops, for 20 survivors of Commercial Sex Exploitation (CSE) each year.


We walk alongside the young women, who come through our doors at the 10,000 Lights Women's Centre (10KLWC), in Kampala, Uganda, as they become whole, independent, hopeful and joy filled women.  

Our new programming, provides  enhanced tools for program participants to become fully autonomous, as they work through their trauma, take responsibility for their health and education and learn a trade.   Right now, we have 21 women, some as young as 17 years old, enrolled in the 2022-23 class - but we only have enough funds to take us into 2023, but not to complete the year.  

Your donation supports...
  • program participants, as they navigate the healing process through individual and group counseling sessions. 
  • purchase of class materials and equipment, for vocational education in Hair Styling or Tailoring.
  • access to health services, treatments and family planning.
  • vocational testing - a qualifier for participants to intern and work at local community businesses.
  • continued support to program graduates as they transition back into community.  
  • anti-trafficking education and prevention workshops, in Kampala, and locally in Massachusetts.


Just as one candle illuminates a darkened room,

your donation can illuminate the path ahead

for each woman enrolled at 10KLWC!

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Thank you in advance for your generous support. 

Funds earned this giving season will help another 21 survivors of Commercial Sex Exploitation (CSE) to walk their path toward freedom.